





  • Xhanari, K., Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Paso, K. and Stenius, P.: "Structure of nanofibrillated layers at the o/w interface", J. Colloid and Interface Science 10.1016/j.cis.2010.12.083.
  • Xhanari, K., Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Paso, K. and Stenius, P.: "Reduction of water wettability of nanofibrillated cellulose by adsorption of cationic surfactants". Cellulose DOI: 10.1007/s10570-010-9482-y.
  • Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Toledo, J. and Toledo, P. "A comparative study of Eucalyptus and Pinus radiata pulp fibres as raw materials for production of cellulose nanofibrils". Carbohydrate Polymers doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2010.12.066 (2010). 
  • Syverud, K., Xhanari, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Yu, Y. and Stenius, P. (2010): “Films made of cellulose nanofibrils - surface modification by adsorption of a cationic surfactant and characterisation by computer-assisted electron microscopy”, J. Nanoparticle res. DOI: 10.1007/s11051-010-0077-1. (2010).
  • Lif, A., Stenstad, P., Syverud, K., Nydén, M. and Holmberg, K.: ”Fischer-Tropsch diesel emulsions stabilised by microfibrillated cellulose”. J. Colloid and Interface Science, doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2010.08.052.
  • Chinga-Carrasco, G. and Syverud, K.: "Computer-assisted quantification of the multiscale structure of films made of nanofibrillated cellulose". J. Nanoparticle Research 12(3), 841 (2010).
  • Syverud K. & Stenius, P. (2009) Strength and barrier properties of MFC films. Cellulose 16(1):75-78.
  • Eriksen, Ø, Syverud, K. and Gregersen, Ø.: "The use of microfibrillated cellulose produced from kraft pulp as a strength enhancer in TMP paper". Nord. Pulp Paper Res. J. 23(3):299-304 (2008).
  • Chinga, G. and Syverud, K.:“Quantification of paper mass distributions within local picking areas". Nordic Pulp and Paper Res. J. 22(4): 441-446 (2007).
  • Chinga, G. and Syverud, K.: “On structural properties affecting the picking tendency of newsprints". Nordic Pulp and Paper Res. J. 22(4): 447-451 (2007).
  • Andresen, M., Stenstad, P., Møretrø, T., Langsrud, S., Syverud, K., Johansson, L.-S. and, Stenius, P., ”Nonleaching Antimicrobial Films Prepared from Surface-Modified Microfibrillated Cellulose", Biomacromolecules 8(7):2149-2155 (2007). 
  • Syverud, K., Chinga, G., Johnsen, P.O., Leirset, I., Wiik, K.: ”Analysis of lint particles from full-scale printing trials”, Appita J. 60(4): 286-290 (2007).
  • Vaaler, D., Syverud, K., Seem, B. og Moe, S.T.: ” Estimating the pulping yield by carbohydrate analysis”, TAPPI Journal 4 (4), 23-27, 2005 
  • Syverud, K., Leirset, I. and Vaaler, D.: ”Characterization of carbohydrates by pyrolysis-GC-MS”, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 67 (2), 381-391, 2003. 
  • Eine, K., Kjelstrup, S., Nagy, K. and Syverud, K.: ”Towards a Solid State Reference Electrode” Sensors and Actuators B 44, 381-388, 1997. 
  • Nagy, K., Eine, K., Syverud, K. and Aune. O.: ”Promising New Solid State Reference Electrode”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 144, L1 -L2, 1997. 
  • Syverud, K. and Ratkje, S.K.: ”An Operationally Defined Method for Ion Selective Electrode Studies: Potassium Selectivity of Polyvinyl Chloride Membranes”, Zeit. Phys. Chemie 185, 245-261, 1994. 
  • Syverud, K.: ”Ion and Water Transfer in a Potassium Selective PVC Membrane”, Dr. ing. thesis, NTH 1992:40, ISBN 82-7119-440-2. 
  • Ratkje, S.K., Ikeshoji, T., and Syverud, K.: ”Heat and Internal Energy Changes at Electrodes and junctions in Thermocells”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 137, 2088-95, 1990.
  • Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Salvatori, R. and Gatti, A.: “Towards novel filter concepts for nanopollution”. 241st American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Anaheim, California, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 27-31.
  • Chinga-Carrasco, G. and Syverud, K.: "Micro- and nano-structures of porous cellulose-based materials". Transport in Porous materials and in networked microstructures - TransPore, PSI Villigen, Switzerland, August 19-20. 2010.
  • Xhanari, K., Syverud, K., Stenius, P.: “ Hydrophobization of nanofibrillated cellulose by adsorption of cationic surfactants”, 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition San Francisco, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 21-25, 2010.
  • Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Toledo, J.,  Toledo, P.: “Cellulose nanofibrils production - a comparison of hardwood and softwood never-dried kraft pulp fibres”, 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition San Francisco, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 21-25, 2010.
  • Syverud, K., Marstokk, O., Stenstad, P. and Chinga-Carrasco, G.: “The potential of cellulose nanofibrils for stabilizing commercial paints”, Tappi 2010 international conference on Nanotechnology for the forest product industry, Espoo, 27-29 Sept 2010.
  • Xhanari, K., Paso, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Syverud, K. and Stenius, P.: “ Structure of nanofibrillated cellulose monolayers at the oil/water interface”, Tappi 2010 international conference on Nanotechnology for the forest product industry, Espoo, 27-29 Sept 2010.
  • Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G. & Stenius, P: "Preparation, characterization and modification of nano-sized cellulose fibrils". 15th Int. Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry - ISWFPC, Oslo June 15 - 18 (2009).
  • Xhanari, K., Syverud, K., Stenius, P. ”Microfibrillated cellulose as stabilizer for emulsions”,  15th Int. Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry - ISWFPC, Oslo June 15 – 18 (2009).
  • Syverud, K., Gregersen, Ø., Chinga-Carrasco, G. & Eriksen, Ø.: ”The influence of microfibrillated cellulose, MFC, on paper strength and surface properties” Oral presentation in the 14th Fundamental Research Symposium, to be held at St. Anne's College, Oxford, UK between 14 and 18 September (2009).
  • Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G. & Stenius, P: “On the tensile characteristics of model films and membranes with different MFC loadings” Oral presentation in CELL symposia at the American Chemical Society, National Meetings Cellulose and Renewable Materials Division Salt Lake City (2009).
  • Eriksen, Ø., Gregersen, Ø.W. and Syverud, K. ”The effect of MFC on handsheet surface and printing properties”, Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, June 2-5, Espoo, Finland (2008).
  • Syverud, K. and Chinga-Carrasco, G.: "Structural characterisation of nanocellulose films". Oral presentation in the E50 Workshop - Characterisation and application of cell wall macromolecules. Dübendorf, Switzerland, October 27-29 (2008).
  • Chinga, G. and Syverud, K.: “Simultaneous quantification of paper mass distribution and print details". Proceedings from the 2007 International Paper Physics Conference, Gold Coast Australia, 6-10 May, p. 185-189, 2007
  • Chinga, G. and Syverud, K.: “Explaining picking tendency by local formation analysis". Proceedings from the 2007 International Paper Physics Conference, Gold Coast Australia, 6-10 May, p. 315-318, 2007 
  • Strømmen, I., Eikevik, T. M., Alves-Filho, O. and Syverud, K.: ”Heat Pump Drying of Sulphate and Sulphite cellulose”, The14th International Drying Symposium, IDS 2004, Sao Paulo, Brazil August 2004 
  • Strømmen, I., Eikevik, T. M., Alves-Filho, O., Syverud, K. and Jonassen, O.: ”Low temperature drying with heat pumps. New generations of high quality dried products”, Keynote lecture on 2nd Nordic Drying Conference, Copenhagen, 25.- 27. June 2003. 
  • Syverud, K. and Toven, K.: “A study of quality loss due to dehydration of sulphate and sulphite pulps”, accepted for poster presentation at the International symposium on wood and pulping chemistry 2003. 
  • Syverud, K. and Toven, K.: “Swelling properties of sulphite pulps”, accepted for oral presentation at the International symposium on wood and pulping chemistry 2003. 
  • Syverud, K., Leirset, I. and Vaaler, D.: ”Characterization of carbohydrates in chemical pulps by pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry”, 7th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, 157-169, 2002. 
  • Vaaler, D., Syverud, K. and Moe, S.T.: ”Characterisation of pulp carbohydrates by enzymatic hydrolysis and determination of pulping yield with carbohydrate profiles”, oral presentation, 3rd Biennal Johan Gullichsen Colloquium, 13.-14. September 2001. 
  • Syverud, K., Moe, S.T. and Minja, R.J.A.: “Carbohydrate analysis of pulps using enzymatic hydolysis and high pressure liquid chromatography”, ISWPC, Yokohama, 2:232-237, 1999. 
  • Syverud, K. and Ratkje, S.K.: ”Emf Interpretations of Cells with Ion Selective Electrodes”, oral presentation, 35th IUPAC congress, Istanbul 14. – 19. August, 1995. 
  • Nagy, K. and Syverud, K.: ”Developement of an All Solid State K+ - Sensor”, Bioelectroanalysis 2, Matrafüred, Ungarn, Oct. 1992. 
  • Syverud, K. and Ratkje, S.K.: ”Ion Transfer in K+ - Selective PVC Membranes”, 33rd IUPAC congress, Budapest, p.115, 1991. 

  • Chinga-Carrasco, G. and Syverud, K.: "Micro- and nano-structures of porous cellulose-based materials". Transport in Porous materials and in networked microstructures - TransPore, PSI Villigen, Switzerland, August 19-20. 2010.
  • Syverud, K. and Chinga-Carrasco, G.: "Structural characterisation of nanocellulose films - from macro to nano". Oral presentation in the E50 Workshop - Characterisation and application of cell wall macromolecules. Dübendorf, Switzerland, October 27-29 (2008). 
  • Chinga-Carrasco G., Johnsen, PO and Syverud, K. "A field-emission SEM study of the nanostructure of cellulose fibrils":  E50 Workshop - Characterisation and application of cell wall macromolecules. Dübendorf, Switzerland, October 27-29 (2008).
  • Eriksen, Ø., Gregersen, Ø.W. and Syverud, K. (2007): ”Characterization of nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC)”, COST Action E54, April 25-27, Riga, Latvia.
  • Syverud, K. (2007): “Characterization of the fine structure and properties of papermaking fibres using new technologies - relevant research at PFI and NTNU”, COST Action E54, February 14-15, Vienna, Austria.
  • Syverud, K.: “Microfibrillar cellulose – possibilities and challenges”, Fibre in Focus, Brussels, 11-12 Sep. 2007 
  • Syverud, K., Andresen, M., Stenstad, P. and Stenius, P.: ”Multifunctional cellulose materials”, The Norwegian Research Council, Oslo, 29. June 2007 
  • Syverud, K., Andresen, M., Stenstad, P. and Stenius, P.: ”Multifunctional cellulose materials”, the NANOMAT Conference 2007, Bergen 5. – 7. June 2007 
  • Stenstad, P., Syverud, K., Tanem, B.S., Moe, S., Andresen, M. and Stenius P.: ”Chemical surface modification of cellulose microfibrils”, ACS, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials Symposium, Frontiers in Surface Modification of Lignocellulosic Fibers, March 26-30, 2006, Atlanta, Georgia 
  • Stenstad, P., Syverud, K., Tanem, B.S., Moe, S., Andresen, M. and P. Stenius: "Chemical surface modification of cellulose microfibrillae", 5th Biennal Johan Gullichsen Colloquium, Helsinki 17 Novemer 2005 
  • Stenstad, P., Syverud, K., Tanem, B.S., Moe, S., Andresen, M. and Stenius, P.: "Chemical modification of cellulose microfibrillae", Oral presentation, The 19th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Geilo 18.-23. September 2005 
  • Syverud, K., Stenstad, P., Schult, T., Tanem, B.S., Moe, S. and Stenius, P.: "Chemical modification on the surface of cellulose microfibrils", Poster, The Japanese-European Workshop on Cellulose and functional polysaccharides 2005, Wien 12. - 14. September 2005 
  • Stenstad, P., Tanem, B.S., Nygård, P., Schult, T., Syverud, K., Andresen, M., Moe, S. and Stenius, P.: ”Tailor-made films from cellulose microfibrils”, poster presentastion, Nanomat - Birkeland conference 2005, Trondheim 2.-3. June 2005 
  • Syverud, K.: ”Determination of available hydroxyl groups”, 3rd Pulp and Paper Chemical analysis seminar, STFI-Packforsk, Stockholm, 4.-5. april, 2005 Syverud, K.: ”Carbohydrate analysis by Py-GC/MS”, 2nd Pulp and Paper Chemical analysis seminar, STFI, Stockholm, 17.-18. mars, 2003. 
  • Vaaler, D., Syverud, K. and Moe, S.T.: ”Characterisation of pulp carbohydrates by enzymatic hydrolysis and HPLC quantification”, lecture at COST E20, Uppsala, 26.-28.4.2001. 
  • Syverud, K.: ”Research activities at PFI relevant for the COST E20 Action”, lecture at start-up meeting, COST E20, Brussels, 23. November, 1999. 
  • Syverud, K., Moe, S.T. and Minja, R.J.A.: “Carbohydrate analysis of pulps using enzymatic hydrolysis and high pressure liquid chromatography”, poster, Nordic wood processing symposium, Trondheim 21.-22.October,1999 ”Conference chairman” for section on “Analytical chemistry and instrumentation”, 35th IUPAC congress, Istanbul, 14. – 19. August, 1995
  • Syverud, K.: Mikrofibriller i cellulose gir nye anvendelser, TREFF, Tre For Framtiden, Gardermoen 21.og 22. okt. 2008 (arrangert av Forskningsrådet)
  • Syverud, K.: Nanofibrillær cellulose – muligheter og utfordringer, Treforedlingsforum, nov.  2007
  • “Fibrils for reinforced plastic and packaging materials”, Nanomaterials news, vol 3, issue 23, 26 February 2008
  • “Organic nanoscale fibrils could reinforce biopolymers and kill germs”, Green Technology Forum,, 080211
  • Tønseth, S.: ”Fibrillene kommer”, Gemini 6, December 2007
  • Reportage in the science program ”Schrödingers katt”on Norwegian Television (NRK1): Nanofibrill, 080417
  • Reportage in the science program “Newton” on Norwegian Television (NRK1), 030316 March 2003.
  • Syverud, K. and Vaaler, D.: ”Karbohydratanalyser av masser, prosessvann og ved”, Kjemi 10/2002, s. 10-13 and Skogindustri 11/2002, s. 24-27.
  • Syverud, K.: ”ISWPC-konferanse i Japan: Ny interesse for ligninets struktur”, Kjemi 1/2000, s. 10-12 and Skogindustri 9/1999, s. 20-23.
  • Syverud, K.: ”Hurtiganalyser med FTIR i TINE-Meieriene - et ledd i å sikre riktig produktsammensetning og en vei til effektivisering i produksjonen”, Meieriposten 6 (1997) 178-80. © 2007 • Privacy Policy • Terms of Use